How to Capitalize on your Webinar now that it's over

Welcome to the phase where your webinar story truly begins – the post-webinar period, where connections deepen and you have the chance to move your attendees further down your funnel.

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the subtle art of post-webinar activities that transform casual participants into engaged community members. We’ll explore the thoughtful nuances of crafting thank-you emails and conducting meaningful surveys, ensuring attendees feel valued. We’ll also unravel the secrets of repurposing your webinar content into digestible forms, expanding your reach across the digital landscape. Plus, we’ll decipher the language of metrics, helping you measure success and refine your approach for future success.

Following Up with Attendees: Thank You Emails, Surveys

Thank You Emails

Implementing a thoughtful and strategic email sequence can significantly enhance attendee engagement and nurture lasting relationships after your webinar. Here’s a detailed approach to crafting impactful thank you emails:

Webinar Email Sequence

Email Sequence:

Sending a series of thank you emails demonstrates your commitment to attendees and keeps your webinar fresh in their minds.

  • Immediate Thank You (Within 24 Hours): Express gratitude for their participation. Include a summary of the key points discussed during the webinar. Personalize the message by addressing attendees by their names, making them feel valued and appreciated. Provide a link to the webinar recording, allowing them to revisit valuable content. End the email with an encouraging note, expressing your availability for further questions or discussions.
  • Follow-up Email (One Week Later): Recap the main takeaways from the webinar, reinforcing key points of your webinar. Include any relevant resources discussed during the event. This is an excellent opportunity to provide additional insights related to the webinar topic. Insert a call to action (CTA) encouraging attendees to engage with your brand further, such as exploring related blog posts, subscribing to your newsletter, or following your social media channels.
  • Final Follow-up (Two Weeks Later): Share exclusive resources related to the webinar content, such as in-depth guides, case studies, or whitepapers. Express gratitude once again for their attendance and participation. Introduce a limited-time offer or discount code for your services, creating a sense of urgency and incentivizing attendees to take action. Reiterate your availability for any questions or personalized discussions.


Conducting post-webinar surveys provides valuable insights into attendee satisfaction and helps you enhance your future events. Crafting a well-designed survey and offering appropriate incentives can significantly boost participation rates:

Send Within 24-48 Hours

Attendees’ memories of the event are still vivid, ensuring accurate and detailed responses. Express gratitude for their attendance once again and explain the importance of their feedback in shaping future events.

Questionnaire Design

Designing the survey with precision ensures you gather relevant and actionable data.

  • Craft Concise and Specific Questions: Focus on aspects like the webinar content, presentation style, and overall experience. Utilize a mix of multiple-choice questions to quantify responses and open-ended questions to collect qualitative insights. Encourage attendees to share their thoughts on what worked well and areas for improvement.
  • Include an Option for Additional Comments: Allow attendees to provide additional comments and suggestions. This open space invites them to share nuanced feedback and elaborate on their thoughts, offering qualitative depth to your survey results.


Offering incentives can significantly boost survey participation, making attendees feel appreciated for their time and input.

  • Exclusive Access: Offer exclusive access to a new webinar or workshop related to the same topic. This creates anticipation and provides an added benefit for their time.
  • Downloadable Resources: Provide a downloadable resource, such as an e-book, infographic, or checklist, as a token of appreciation. Make sure the resource is relevant to the webinar topic, adding value to attendees’ knowledge.
  • Discounts or Special Offers: Extend a discount on your services or products as a gesture of gratitude. Create a sense of reciprocity, encouraging attendees to consider your offerings.

By following this structured approach, you can effectively follow up with attendees, gather valuable feedback, and build a community of engaged participants, ensuring the success of your webinars and fostering long-term relationships with your audience.


Repurposing Webinar Content

Repurposing your webinar content is a strategic way to maximize its impact, reaching a wider audience and reinforcing key messages. Here’s how you can repurpose your webinar content effectively:


Transforming webinar insights into detailed blog posts provides a comprehensive and accessible resource for your audience. By expanding on the topics discussed during the webinar, you can offer in-depth analysis, actionable tips, and real-world examples, enhancing the value of your content. Publishing these blogs on your website offers several advantages:

  • Enhanced SEO: Blogs with relevant, detailed content improve your website’s search engine optimization, increasing its visibility to potential visitors.
  • Resourceful Content: Blogs serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking specific information related to your webinar topic. They can delve into the intricacies of the subject matter at their own pace.
  • Thought Leadership: In-depth blog posts position your organization as an authority in the field, showcasing expertise and insights. This thought leadership enhances your brand reputation.


Title: “5 Strategies Discussed in Our Webinar to Boost Your Business Growth”

In this blog post, we delve deeper into the strategies explored during our recent webinar. From innovative marketing techniques to sustainable growth practices, discover actionable steps and success stories that illustrate the effectiveness of these approaches.



Editing webinar recordings into shorter, digestible videos makes the content more accessible and engaging for a broader audience. Create video snippets that highlight impactful moments, showcase key takeaways, or address specific queries raised during the webinar. These videos can be shared across various platforms, including social media, to maintain the momentum of your webinar:

  • Engaging Visuals: Videos capture attention quickly and are highly shareable. Engage your audience with visually appealing content that highlights the essence of your webinar.
  • Wider Reach: Videos shared on social media platforms have the potential to go viral, reaching audiences beyond your immediate network. The shareability of videos amplifies your message organically.
  • Quick Consumption: Short videos cater to the modern audience’s preference for quick, concise content. Viewers can grasp essential concepts in a matter of minutes, increasing the likelihood of engagement.


Title: “Top 3 Tips from Our Recent Webinar: Watch and Transform Your Business!” In this video snippet, we condense the transformative insights from our latest webinar into three actionable tips. Discover how these strategies can reshape your business landscape and drive sustainable growth.

Social Media

Leveraging social media platforms is instrumental in extending your webinar’s reach and engaging with a broader audience. Utilize various formats, including posts, stories, and infographics, to share webinar highlights, key quotes, and engaging visuals:

  • Visual Appeal: Engaging visuals, such as infographics and quote graphics, attract attention in crowded social media feeds. Use eye-catching designs to convey key points from your webinar visually.
  • Interactive Engagement: Encourage attendees and followers to share their insights, thoughts, and takeaways from the webinar. Interactive posts invite participation, fostering a sense of community around your content.
  • Amplified Visibility: Hashtags and tagging relevant accounts increase the visibility of your posts. Utilize popular industry hashtags and encourage attendees to share their experiences using a dedicated webinar hashtag.

Example Post:

Text:  Exciting Takeaways from Our Webinar! Are you ready to implement these strategies? Share your thoughts below!

Visual: (Infographic summarizing key strategies)

Key Takeaway:

By repurposing your webinar content through blogs, videos, and social media, you create a multifaceted approach to engaging your audience, enhancing your online presence, and solidifying your brand’s authority in the industry.

Analyzing Metrics: Registrations, Attendee Engagement, Conversions

Analyzing the metrics of your webinar is pivotal in understanding its impact, fine-tuning your strategies, and enhancing future events. Here’s how you can effectively analyze registrations, attendee engagement, and conversions:


Source Tracking: Utilizing UTM parameters in your webinar registration links enables detailed tracking of registration sources. By discerning which marketing channels generated the most registrations, such as email campaigns, social media posts, or website banners, you can refine your promotional efforts.

Demographic Data: Delve into demographic data, including location, age, and profession, to gain insights into your audience. Understanding the demographics of your registrants helps tailor your content to their specific preferences and requirements, ensuring future webinars resonate with your target audience effectively.

Attendee Engagement

Chat Logs: Reviewing chat logs provides a window into participant engagement during the live event. Identify topics that sparked numerous questions and discussions. Addressing these topics in future content showcases your responsiveness to audience interests, fostering a deeper connection.

Poll Results: Analyzing poll results offers valuable insights into participant opinions and preferences. This data is a goldmine for creating targeted content that directly addresses the specific needs and concerns expressed by your audience. Crafting future webinar topics based on these insights ensures your content remains relevant and engaging.



Conversion Tracking: Implement robust conversion tracking tools to monitor attendee actions post-webinar accurately. Track conversions such as product purchases, newsletter sign-ups, or free trial registrations directly attributed to the webinar. This data provides a tangible measure of the webinar’s impact on your business goals.

Follow-Up: Evaluate the effectiveness of follow-up emails containing exclusive offers or discounts. Measure metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates associated with these emails. Understanding how these follow-up emails convert leads into customers provides essential feedback for refining your post-webinar communication strategies.

By analyzing these metrics meticulously, you gain actionable insights that inform your marketing decisions, content strategies, and audience engagement techniques. Continuously iterate based on this data to optimize your webinar approach, ensuring each event is a step toward achieving your organizational objectives.

What’s Next?

Congratulations on taking the first step toward hosting impactful webinars! At Six Degrees Digital Media, we understand the importance of maximizing your webinar’s potential. Our expert team is here to guide you, ensuring your webinars are not just events but transformative experiences for your audience.

Why Choose Six Degrees Digital Media?

  1. Tailored Strategies: We create custom webinar strategies aligned with your goals, ensuring every event achieves its objectives.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: Unlock the power of data with our in-depth analysis. We help you understand your audience, refine your content, and boost conversions.
  3. Content Repurposing: Transform your webinar content into blogs, videos, and social media posts that captivate your audience long after the event ends.
  4. Seamless Follow-Ups: Craft compelling thank you emails, engaging surveys, and exclusive offers that nurture lasting relationships with your attendees.

Ready to Transform Your Webinars? Schedule a free strategy session with Six Degrees Digital Media today. Together, let’s create webinars that resonate, engage, and drive meaningful results for your business.Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your webinars.

Published On: October 4th, 2023 / Categories: Marketing Strategy /