Foolproof Marketing Strategy for Edtech

Building an EdTech company from scratch is an incredible accomplishment. You don’t want to put all that hard work to waste by relying on a marketing strategy that doesn’t bring in the results you were hoping for. Getting the attention, leads, and sales you want can come from a variety of EdTech marketing strategies, but you won’t know what works and how to leverage it best if you don’t harness the details that make up your ideal client.  If you want a successful marketing strategy for your EdTech business, read on to see how to make it hit the mark every time.

Customer-Focused EdTech Marketing Strategy

Who does your product serve and what problem does it solve for them? Knowing your audience is essential if you want to get anywhere with your marketing campaigns. For instance, a K-12 audience is going to have different needs and sales triggers than a university audience does. Other factors like location, time of year, and budget are also important things to keep in mind as you build your sales strategy.

You can send a thousand emails, pour limitless amounts of money into paid ads, an even dance your heart out on TikTok, but all that effort will be wasted if you aren’t speaking directly to your core audience. It’s not just about the benefits of your product, it’s about how your product solves the key emotional concerns that keep your ideal client up at night.

Take a look at Anthology’s About Us page:


Throughout the copy here and their site as a whole, Anthology makes one thing clear: They care about education, teachers, and students. They are building a statement of reliability and trust that will resonate with an audience that understands the importance of online learning but is concerned about keeping their students engaged while not adding clunky obstacles to the learning process. Distance learning is often seen as less personal than its on campus counterpart, but everything about Anthology’s commitment to community brings that sense of connection right back to the forefront of education.

The best marketing strategy for EdTech is one that speaks directly to your ideal customer. But to do that, you first need to understand who they are, what they want, and what they need.

The Ideal Customer for Your EdTech

Understanding your ideal customer begins with the basics. You’ll want to have an idea of their general demographics:

  • Age
  • Location
  • Job title
  • Income level

As you’re building this out, try and put yourself in their shoes. What’s it like at their job from day to day? Are they under a lot of pressure? Are they overworked or ambitious? When you speak to them, you want to show that not only can you solve problems for their institution, but you can help them, too.

What times of the year are significant to them regarding the problem that you solve? Are events like graduation or the start of a school year priming them to be seeking out the solution that you offer? What are some common trends that you have picked up on from serving your current clients?

How This Changes Your EdTech Marketing Strategies

One of the most obvious ways that this process will impact your marketing strategies is by informing you where you should (and shouldn’t) be marketing. If your target audience isn’t on Facebook then you don’t need to spend time or money advertising there.  Here are a few ways that a clear picture of your ideal customer will also impact your marketing staples.

Email Marketing:

  • How frequently you send emails and what times of year need you should send more
  • The emotional triggers you need to include in your subject lines
  • What kind of value you should be offering in your email copy

Video Marketing:

  • What kind of stock footage you should use
  • Where you should post your videos
  • The messaging that is most impactful for your audience

Marketing Funnels:

  • What format your entry point offer should be in (PDF, webinar, etc.)
  • What content your audience is looking for
  • What messaging you should use in your advertising

It should be clear now just how powerful a customer avatar can be for your EdTech marketing strategies. Take marketing funnels for example. Imagine spending hours writing and formatting a PDF on a topic related to your product, creating a landing page, writing an email sequence, and spending money advertising it only for it to completely tank because your audience prefers video content or because your PDF speaks to the wrong part of the problem they are facing. That’s a lot of wasted time and marketing dollars.

Make sure your marketing strategy starts with the best foot forward by having a customer-focused foundation. Want to make sure you aren’t missing any marks? Download the Ultimate EdTech Digital Marketing Template free today!

Published On: January 18th, 2023 / Categories: EdTech Marketing, Marketing Strategy /