In-Person Events vs Live Events

Events or conferences are a big deal in professional circles. People will travel impressive distances to meet other people from the same industry, network with their peers, and listen to experts in their niche. In turn, this generates value for all of the stakeholders. But should you have an online live or in-person event? Which one will generate more interest?

Differences Between an In-Person Event and an Online Live Event

Is there a better way to host conferences? The world is changing, and this is leading to seeing a host of virtual conferences, meetups, and events popping up. This can lead you to question if you should go for an in-person or live event.

2020 saw a huge shift in traditional offline events turning into digital ones. This has led to a massive jump in the number of organizations and communities launching virtual events for the first time ever. This is why hosing an in-person or live event isn’t an either/or question. Virtual events are growing very quickly in quantity and quality. But, in-person events will always have a charm that virtual ones can’t meet.

Also, if you think virtual platforms are only for specific types of events, you’re mistaken. You can use these virtual platforms for several different events, including virtual trade shows, tech conferences, workshops, and career fairs. Since these events need a higher degree of interactive experience and networking, you’ll need to pick out the correct type of hosting platform to pull it off.

Online Live Events – The Most Effective Form of Experience and Communication

You won’t find another medium that allows you to express the nuances of communication better than in-person events. When it comes to communication, body language is a huge factor to consider. Gestures, postures, eye movements, and facial expressions all work better in person.

Also, it’s important to note that a lot of people go to in-person events for the content, but they also go for the chance to interact with the speakers and other attendees who all have similar interests. The relationship-building experience and the human factor are the biggest reasons people go to these events.

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Benefits of an In-Person Event

  • Face-to-Face Networking – Humans are social creatures, and they thrive on making friends, meeting people, and having social interactions.
  • Fewer Technological Challenges – Since everyone is at the event, you don’t have to worry about having a host of technological platforms and devices to worry about malfunctioning. In turn, this allows you to focus on the event more.
  • Fewer Distractions – When people come to an event that is at a place that is convenient to them, you have more control over the distractions they experience. You’ll have a better chance of keeping the participants motivated and engaged.

Virtual Events – Lower Cost, Faster Turnaround, and a Broader Reach

Clients usually pick virtual events because money or time could be at a premium. You can deploy your virtual event quickly at a lower cost. Policy issues, current events, or panel discussions are all examples of conferences that work best in a virtual format. They should be 90 minutes or less from start to finish.

They’re also a great option if you want to put something together quickly to get in front of a crisis, share your experience about current events, or controversial issues. If you have longer-form events where the main goal is face-to-face interaction, consider a hybrid event.

Benefits of a Virtual Event

  • Cost-Effective – A virtual event is cost-effective for the attendees and organizers. You save on travel, venue, food, hotel, and other overhead costs when you host one. You could even allocate this budget toward getting leading industry experts or better speakers for your event. You could also end up with a bigger audience.
  • Flexibility – A virtual event has a very flexible design. You can tailor your event to suit the needs of your speakers, participants, or hosts. The events also offer you the chance to customize your interaction level, language, or monetization options.
  • More Participants – With an in-person event, you typically have to limit how many people you can have attend due to geographical and logistical reasons. In a virtual event, these barriers don’t exist. Your virtual event can have participants attend from all over the world with no participant caps.

Contact Six Degrees Digital Media

Are you not sure if an in-person or live event is the best choice for your needs? Maybe you need more benefits and drawbacks of each to see which one tailors to your needs the best. You can schedule a call with us to find out which option is best for your business.

Published On: October 20th, 2021 / Categories: Marketing Strategy /