5 Powerful Video Keyword Research Tools

If you’re looking to take your video marketing to new heights, keyword research is a must! Luckily, there are tools and platforms available that help you with the process.

While YouTube, the second largest search engine in the world, second only to Google, used to have its own keyword research tool, it has since been disabled. In recent years, the only solution used to be emulations of Google’s Keyword Planner. While it did the trick, it wasn’t the most accurate.

Today, there are several specific video keyword research tools, and below we discuss the top five! 

The Best Video Keyword Research Tools 

In order to get more views on your YouTube videos, whether you’re a creator or brand, you need to abide by YouTube’s algorithmic ranking system. While we won’t dive into it deeply in this article, it’s important to note that a high-quality video isn’t all that’s required to perform well on the platform.

Instead, it requires a captivating thumbnail, an optimized title, tags, and hashtags, and heavily researched keywords throughout the description and metadata among other key factors.

Much like Google, the world’s largest search engine, YouTube is heavily built around SEO. In order to succeed, then, keyword research is a must! The tools about to be discussed help you with this process…

The following will be a discussion of the 5 video keyword research tools below: 

  1. TubeBuddy
  2. Keyword Tool.io
  3. Ahrefs
  4. VidiQ
  5. Keyword Tool Dominator 


TubeBuddy is more than just a keyword research platform. As a 100% free browser extension and mobile app integrated into the second largest search engine (and the largest video search engine) in the world, TubeBuddy helps content creators and brands succeed on YouTube.

How so? Because YouTube is largely operated via an algorithm that ranks videos based on key SEO indicators, TubeBuddy provides those in need of such optimization with the tools to do so. From keyword research and publishing to video thumbnail A/B testing and ranking optimization, they’ve got you covered.

So, if you’re lacking the knowledge of video optimization, especially on YouTube, and you don’t have the time to do the research nor the time to patiently wait for results, TubeBuddy is the tool for you.

Keyword Tool.io

While this keyword research tool has the capacity to provide users with comprehensive data on video optimization specifically, it also features keyword research for the likes of Google, Bing, Amazon, eBay, Instagram, Twitter, and more!

Since YouTube’s own research tool was disabled, however, Keyword Tool has become the premier alternative for generating high-quality long-tail keywords through autogeneration software.

Not only does this tool help you execute research for optimizing your own video’s but it also helps generate video ideas based on what topics and categories are currently ranking on YouTube.

So, whether you need help with topic idea generation, ranking, hashtag research, metadata keyword optimization, or successful ad targeting, Keyword Tool is for you.


As mentioned earlier, the most effective way to get a consistent amount of views and place your videos on a growth trajectory towards success is through keyword research and implementation. How do you determine what keywords are effective and what ones aren’t? Through search volume.

In other words, by determining what the most popular search terms are by your target audience and placing those search terms within your video and its descriptions, you give your video the best chance at success.

A unique attribute that Ahrefs offers that others might not is its workflow filters. Not only does this tool provide top keywords used by target audiences around the world, but it also allows you to filter by search volume, word count, clicks, clicks per search, and return rate, among others.

The more specific you can niche down your keyword, the higher the percentage of success you’ll be rewarded with. These filters help you do so. Start your 7-day trial for just $7.00 today!


VidiQ isn’t just a video keyword research tool, but a suite of tools built to serve you across several keyword disciplines so that you can begin to rank your YouTube videos in fashion.

Knowing what keywords are ranking is one thing, but knowing the videos that use those keywords that are ranking is another level of competitive analysis. Luckily, through VidiQ Boost, a powerful tool exclusive to this platform, you’re now able to see why the videos in your category are trending and what you can do to do the same.

Because YouTube is a global platform that operates in almost all languages, you’d be remiss not to cater to them. Not only are you missing out on views but you’re also missing out on ranking opportunities, new audience leads, and more. With VidiQ’s Keyword Translation tool, you can translate your video title and subtitles, description, and keyword tags, all with a couple of clicks.

So, if you’re looking to rank and rank across languages, countries, and continents, unwilling to settle for the English-speaking population, VidiQ is for you! Offering plans that begin FREE of charge, you’ll have the flexibility to use only the tools that you need without any overpayments.

Keyword Tool Dominator  

Last but certainly not least is one of the highest-ranked YouTube keyword research tools, Keyword Tool Dominator. Not only is it completely free and easy to use but it’s effective, generating the most popular keywords for your categorized videos.

While it may not be the most comprehensive tool available, it’s a tool that does what it’s asked and nothing more; it’s why so many people trust it!

To use it, all you need to do is enter a search term into the text box and click search. The tool will then automatically generate the top 10 YouTube keywords based on popularity and trends. That’s it! All that’s left do to after that is download the data onto a CSV and import them accordingly into your YouTube video listing.

Have you tried any? Or if you want to add something to the list, put it in the comments.

If you need help with your video marketing campaign, contact us today.

Published On: January 19th, 2022 / Categories: Content Marketing /