4 Ways to Utilize Live Chat on Your Website

Technology continues to improve every day, and customers expect a higher level of customization and features in their online experiences. Any e-commerce experiences are also expected to be seamless and simple. Since e-commerce keeps expanding, this creates more competition in the marketplace, and companies have to step up to keep an advantage. One way to do this is to implement a live chat feature directly on your website. There is a list of ways that you can utilize live chat on your website, and we’ve picked out the best ones below.

1. Boost Your Efficiency

It’s not uncommon for the average response time to customer questions to stretch into hours. However, many customers don’t have hours to wait, and they’re likely to go to a competitor in this time frame to buy their product or service. When you incorporate a live chat, this can narrow your customer’s wait time down to minutes.

Customers tend to stick around if they get efficient transactions, and a live chat offers them a one-stop-shop to get the information they need right when they need it. Live chat won’t completely replace phone or email channels, but it will help your potential customers get the information they need in a short amount of time. This makes them more likely to buy or engage your business.

2. Get Feedback

Live chat gives you a way to gather and report conversation data very easily when you compare it to other communication modes. You can use this feedback to find out the pain points your business has, and it also works to help you understand your customers’ needs better. Live chat lets you control the flow of conversation too.

If the customer has a bad experience and gives you negative feedback in a private conversation, your business is able to handle it quietly and quickly. This is excellent when you compare it to social media, where anyone can see a complaint and put their two cents in.

3. Generate Leads

When you set up your live chat, you can program it to ask for your customer’s information before they proceed with the conversation. Even if the customer gives their information, interacts with the chatbot, but leaves the site without making a purchase, this is now a potential lead.

You can revisit this information later when you debut new products, services, or if you have a sale. It’s also a great chance to up-sell to any potential customers and get more conversions or entice them to buy a larger package or more products.

4. Encourage Higher Return Rates

As your customers feel more satisfied with your company, they’re more likely to come back to it. Having a live chat available is a nice way to help your customers have a good experience, and this can improve their impression of your business. In turn, they’re more likely to return for additional products or services.

Additionally, your live chat will mimic an in-store interaction while the customer is at their own home, and this can personalize the experience. This means that when a customer leaves your site, they can feel like they had a meaningful interaction that is usually reserved for in-store experiences.

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Published On: February 24th, 2021 / Categories: Digital Marketing /