Use This Simple Video To Generate Ready To Buy Leads

65% of executives visit the marketer’s website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video according to Forbes.

Let that sink in for a minute…

Can you imagine your sales efforts getting a significant boost just from using a simple video?

Sounds great right…

So what type of video should you use?

That’s the question.

Here’s the thing…

It depends on where your potential customers hang out.

The easiest thing for you to do is add a video to an email

Now then, if you already have a list of prospects that you reach out to, the easiest thing for you to do is add a video to an email.

There are a few ways to incorporate video in your email.

First, you can show how your product or service can help your prospect.

The thing is this is probably going to be a generic video about your product or service.

What I recommend is adding a personal touch.

Now you may not be able to reshoot and entire video.

But what you can do is film an extra video.

Here’s what you do.

Film as though you are talking to Mr. or Ms. Prospect.

Talk to them about the specific problem they are having


Talk to them about the specific problem they are having.

If it’s more than one problem, I’d focus on just the biggest problem, and at the end of the video just touch on the fact that your product or service can also help with the other issue(s).

Explain how your product/service is the right solution for that specific problem at their organization.

This is going to show that you understand exactly what they are struggling with and that you want to help.

In fact, be bold if you can and say you know you can help if that’s the case.

Conclude your video with an invitation to watch the video on how your product works

Conclude your video with an invitation to watch the video on how your product works.

If your email system allows you to embed a video in your email then do that.

If not, then just add the link to your videos.

Now here’s the next thing you want to do…

Add the word “video” in your subject line

Add the word “video” in your subject line.



According to a report published by Forrester, including video in an email leads to a whopping 200-300% increase in click-through rate.

Crazy right?

But maybe you think those numbers are just too good to be true.

I get ya…

So think about this.

What if it was only half that….or a quarter of that…or heck a tenth.

20-30% increase is still a great right

20-30% increase is still great right?

Now I get that this is all dependent on you having a product or service video, to begin with.

If you don’t, then talk to the management and encourage them to get that done.

And if you’re the management…

Well done deal right?

I know it can be a bit daunting when you first get started with video.

The last thing I want to do is give you advice and not a way to execute.

I invite you to schedule a strategy session  and see if we can help.

Published On: January 26th, 2018 / Categories: Video /