Top Ten Marketing Ideas for 2021

2021 is fast approaching, and it’s going to usher in a whole new wave of marketing ideas. To stay ahead of the curve, you want to embrace them and be well-versed so you can hit the ground running. This will help you stay out in front of your competition, and it’ll give your business a critical edge. There are 10 big marketing ideas you want to focus on, and we’ve rounded them up for you below.

  1. AI

Artificial Intelligence was huge in 2020 with the rise of chatbots. However, 2021 will see AI technology go to new heights with personalized web experiences. Every buyer is unique, and they all deserve to have a web experience that is specially tailored to their needs. You want to use AI to build a customized website that will display a unique view for every visitor that lands on it based on the person’s characteristics. This can accelerate your sales funnels and buying cycles while allowing you to communicate more effectively with potential customers.

  1. Voice Search

Voice search gained traction in 2020, and this trend will continue into 2021, with more long-tailed keyword phrases dominating the more traditional short-tailed ones. Marketers are learning how to incorporate more speech-oriented terms into their websites to help boost them in the search engine results pages. Since more people use voice-activated technology to perform search queries, it’s essential you learn how to add this to your pages and websites. As of 2020, there were an estimated 39 million smart speakers in homes across the United States, and this number is set to rise in 2021.

  1. Video Ads

Video ads are a fast and efficient way to capture your potential audiences’ attention. More and more people are browsing the web from mobile devices, and long-form web pages don’t fit this browsing experience very well. However, videos do. Videos can engage people far better than a page of text can; it’s easier to watch or listen to a video while you’re on the go over reading text. It’s an extremely popular way to learn about new products and services, and this can drive people along your sales funnels much more efficiently to increase your conversions.


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  1. Messenger Campaigns

Facebook’s Messenger is a powerful tool in helping you create and get customized marketing campaigns in front of your prospective audience. People are spending more time connected to friends and family through Messenger and various social media platforms, and a messenger campaign puts your products front and center. In-app ads are another huge selling point with businesses, and they can go right into Facebook’s Messenger when people open it. People who see it can click on it and get redirected to a sales page where they can shop for your products or services.

  1. Podcast

Podcasts open a whole new door for advertising because it connects you to a new audience. People can listen to podcasts while they’re on the go, out and about, and in their cars. Podcast advertising is relatively new, but it’s effective. It puts ads right into the podcasts themselves, so the ads play each time people listen to the specific podcast. This is a very effective advertising and marketing method, and it is even slowly edging out traditional display advertisements. The convenience factor plays a role here in how effective this marketing tactic is.

  1. Thought Leadership Articles

The search engines like when you’re an authority figure in your niche. They also prefer websites that have credible backlinks to high authority figures in an industry. A thought leadership article allows you to demonstrate your credibility and expertise by leveraging your position in your industry. You use it to share your insights with engaged customers, and this gives them value. They’re more likely to buy from a credible source, so it’s a good idea to build your reputation and use this tactic to make your business more trustworthy.

  1. Facebook Groups

Did you know that it’s possible to market very effectively to Facebook groups? You can find groups for your localized area and have immediate access to hundreds of new leads. This is where setting up Messenger advertising comes into play. You can advertise in the group and direct people to chat through Messenger. When they open it, your personalized ads will display that pushes them through your sales cycle and boosts your overall sales numbers.

  1. Facebook and Instagram Stories

Stories on Facebook and Instagram took off because they’re front and center in your followers’ news feeds. Showing short clips of a new product or service is one way to gain attention, or you can use them to show clips of behind-the-scenes work at your company. This can help you connect and engage with your audience, and you can encourage them to go to your page to look at whatever you’re offering them. It’s a great way to humanize your company and make it seem more approachable. Also, Facebook and Instagram are the two most logged in to social media platforms in the world, so there is no shortage of exposure.

  1. LinkedIn Live Video

Any business that is trying to attract industry professionals should market on LinkedIn Live. You can send out videos that will help you engage industry professionals and build deeper connections that will eventually boost your engagement. You can also slip ads in or talk about new products and services your business is going to offer to stir up some buzz and make people excited to try it out.

  1. YouTube

Finally, YouTube makes the list as a valuable marketing tool going into 2021. This is a fantastic avenue to take if you want to engage with your audience while showing a more human side to your brand. You can produce in-video ads that will play after a set amount of time, and you can put out dozens of different videos. Talk about your products and services, but don’t forget to talk about your company and the employees as a whole to help your customers connect and engage better.

Six Degrees Digital Media Can Help Your Marketing Team Stay Focused

Don’t go into 2021 without a dedicated and experienced marketing team helping boost your sales and improve your customers’ experiences. You can schedule your strategy session with us now and get a solid foundation to help you meet and exceed your marketing goals in 2021.

Published On: December 9th, 2020 / Categories: Digital Marketing /