Increase Career College Enrollment

When prospective students aren’t 100% certain of what path they want to follow, it can be challenging to increase career college enrollment rates. One of best things you can do to tap into this audience is create compelling program descriptions that grab attention and inspire action. A bland, uninspiring description can lead to potential students overlooking your school and prevent your target enrollment rates.

The antidote lies in crafting powerful program descriptions that captivate from the first line, reflecting the unique value your programs offer. Not only will this pique their interest, but it also guides prospective students towards envisioning a rewarding educational journey at your institution and will boost your enrollment rates.

It’s time to turn the tide on dull career college program descriptions. In this blog post, we share effective strategies to create compelling, impactful descriptions that resonate with students’ aspirations and truly encapsulate the transformative potential of your programs. Let’s make every word count in attracting your ideal students.

Increase Career College Enrollment: Understand Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is key to creating engaging program descriptions. For example, if you’re offering a Cybersecurity program, your prospective students might be individuals interested in technology, problem-solving, and data protection.

Knowing this, you can emphasize elements in your program description that align with their interests, such as the opportunity to learn cutting-edge tech skills, solve complex cyber issues, or protect organizations from data breaches. Craft a message that speaks directly to your audience’s interests and aspirations to make them excited to enroll in your career college.

Get Potential Students Excited: Showcase the Program Benefits

Rather than focusing only on course content, highlight the benefits and outcomes of your program. For instance, a Culinary Arts program wouldn’t just say students will learn to prepare meals. Go a step further and say something like “Our Culinary Arts program equips you with the skills to craft gourmet dishes, opening doors to opportunities in top-tier restaurants around the world.”

You’re selling more than just a program – you’re selling a future. You’re highlighting the tangible, real-world outcomes that prospective students can look forward to, making the program more enticing.

Deliver Clear Value: Use Concise Language

Avoid using jargon or overly complicated language in your program descriptions. For example, instead of saying “The program encompasses a comprehensive exploration of anthropogenic effects on the environmental,” you might say, “Our program provides a thorough study of human-made changes to the environment.”

Clear and concise language makes your program descriptions accessible and understandable. You don’t want your program description to turn anyone away by making them fall asleep or have to guess what they’ll be learning.

Sell a Transformation: Highlight Real-world Applications

Students want to see the link between what they learn and how it applies in the real world. For instance, your Graphic Design program description might say, “In our Graphic Design program, you’ll master design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud, create compelling visual identities for businesses, and design effective marketing materials, preparing you for a dynamic career in several industries.”

This real-world application not only gives context to the learning material but also shows prospective students how the skills they gain can help them succeed in their future career.

Increase Career College Enrollment: Dynamic Program Descriptions

An effective call to action can motivate prospective students to take the next step. For example, instead of ending your program description with “Contact us for more information,” you might say, “Ready to launch your dream career? Apply for our program today, or get in touch to discover how we can help you reach your goals.”

A well-crafted, action-oriented conclusion creates a sense of urgency and can prompt prospective students to act – which will increase career college enrollment by boosting your number of incoming leads.

By implementing these strategies, you can craft program descriptions that do more than just inform – they inspire.  Each word becomes a tool to demonstrate the unique value your institution offers and to connect with prospective students on a deeper level.

Let’s transform a hypothetical program description using the tips above:


“Our Advanced Automotive Technology program includes courses on engine systems, automatic transmissions, manual drive trains, brakes, and electrical systems.”


“Empower your future with our Advanced Automotive Technology program. Designed with your career goals in mind, this program equips you with the skills to thrive in the rapidly evolving automotive industry. You’ll gain hands-on experience in engine systems, automatic transmissions, and more, preparing you for a high-demand career in automotive technology.

But our program goes beyond the nuts and bolts. You’ll learn how to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, preparing you to tackle challenges head-on. You’ll learn a highly valued skillset and leave ready to drive your career forward.

Start your journey today with the Advanced Automotive Technology program. Reach out for more information or apply now to shift your future into high gear.”

Captivating program descriptions can be the catalyst for your prospective students’ educational journey. By understanding your audience, highlighting benefits, using clear language, emphasizing real-world applications, and crafting a compelling call to action, you can increase career college enrollment rates and get students excited to learn. Remember, each word is an opportunity to communicate the unique value your institution offers, so make them count.
Crafting compelling program descriptions is just one aspect of digital marketing for higher education. At Six Degrees Digital Media, we’re passionate about empowering institutions like yours to navigate this landscape effectively. Reach out to us for tailored strategies that elevate your brand, engage your audience, and increase career college enrollment for your school today.

Published On: June 14th, 2023 / Categories: Higher Education Marketing /