It’s a crazy time. While in the car with my son, we passed the schools that were closed. I told him, “I’ve never seen this in my lifetime”.
It’s almost surreal that schools, restaurants and many businesses have to close their doors for a period of time and that some may not recover.
Bigger companies may weather the storm, although still suffer losses.
But what about the rest? How can entrepreneurs and small business owners find a way to keep revenue coming in when people can’t step foot in their business? Or service providers who are losing clients because their clients are losing business and they need to find a way to lessen the blow.
Well, here’s an idea that you may want to consider as the timing now is really appropriate.
It’s digital courses or information that you can create to monetize your knowledge.
It may be a short tutorial, a mini-course, or something beefier.
And the thing is, it doesn’t have to be aligned with your current business specifically. But it can be. It all depends on your area of expertise. The question boils down to this?
What do you know, that people want to learn, and are willing to pay for? What do you know that people always say “I wish I was as good at that as you are”?
You may be a master at one of your hobbies and there may be a way to teach others. And that could be at a beginner level, intermediate, or advanced.
Or it may be aligned with your business. If that’s the case, then once you have your program or digital asset up, it can be a compliment to what you already do. You’ll have an additional option for your customers or clients that can be an extra source of revenue.
Here’s an example.
We’re a digital marketing agency. Not everyone can afford our services. We’ve been in business for about ten years now and there have been plenty of people who know we can help them and would love to work with us but they simply don’t have the budget.
My answer to that was to build training around how to outsource effectively. This helps people find, qualify and communicate properly with freelancers all around the world. You probably know that overseas talent can be much less expensive than hiring someone from the US. Not everywhere but in many countries. The thing is, if those service providers don’t speak your native language, it’s much harder to communicate in a way that both parties understand and have the same expectation of what is needed and what is delivered.
I’ve worked with well over 200 freelancers and ordered over 1,000 gigs and I’ve got that process dialed in. It dawned on me that others could benefit from my knowledge and experience so we turned that into a course.
That’s just an example to get you thinking about what you can teach.
Here’s what you need to think about. How quickly can you produce this information? It can be in written format, it can be a slideshow form with narration, a screencast, it can be you talking on camera, it can be someone filming you, or you filming someone else and narrating what’s going on.
There are a number of possibilities. At this particular time, speed will count more than beauty. Don’t worry about everything being perfect. You can always update it later if you’ve got that perfectionist streak in you. Just don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the great.
Many people are stuck at home now and have some time on their hands. You could even approach other business owners with some type of training that could help their employees improve in some area or another. If their employees are home anyway, this is a great way to fill up some of that time.
For those that aren’t on paid leave, they may be looking for something else. It may even be a way to find a different type of income for themselves.
You may also have more time on your hands to commit to getting this off the ground.
A long time ago I wrote an ebook on How to Get a Job Working from Home. That was long before working remotely was as mainstream as it is now. Now that’s a free resource, but at one time I did sell it. The point is, that it has nothing to do with my company, but it’s something I have vast knowledge of since I started working at home in the year 2000.
What do you know that you can teach that can help change people’s lives, or businesses, for the better?
If you need to brainstorm on what you could create, schedule a free strategy session with us.
We want to make this easy and quick so we’ve got options to help you bring your training alive. We want to make sure you’re covered based on your budget and your needs.
Book your free strategy session here and let’s see if we can find a way to help you generate some additional income during this uncertain time.