How to Get a Video Testimonial from Your Customers title


When you ask your customers for a video testimonial, give them these prompts and get a great testimonial!

To get a testimonial video you can do any of the following. You can go film them (when you are able to do so), they can film themselves on their smartphone, or you can film them via Zoom, Skype or another video chat service.

For B2C customers:

Customer introduces himself/herself, then have them answer the following questions:

What was your struggle, problem, or issue before you worked with me? What was your “before” state.

How did you find me/company? What made you decide to work with me/company?

How are you doing now?! How did my/company product/service help you?

What would you say to anyone else that was considering working with me/company?

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For B2B customers:

Customer introduces himself/herself, and shares a little about who they are and company name.

Then have them answer the following questions

What was your struggle, problem, or issue before you worked with us? What was your “before” state?

How did you find me/company? What made you decide to work with me/company?

How are you doing now?! How did my/company product/service help you?

What would you say to anyone else that was considering working with me/company?

If you have questions, feel free to schedule a call with us today.

Published On: April 22nd, 2020 / Categories: Digital Marketing /