How Schools can Market to Gen Z

The post-Millennial generation, also known as Gen Z, is the fastest-growing consumer group in the US and has a total spending power of $140 billion. After recognizing this, marketers have been looking for ways to reach these digital natives, especially for the higher education sector.

However, it’s essential to understand what Gen Z likes and what makes them tick: their thoughts, motivations, and beliefs. Knowing these nuances will help schools design strategies that resonate with this new generation of consumers. If you need help with where to start, here are five tips I can provide you to market to Gen Z with success.

Tip #1: Be Real

Gen Z is the most connected generation. They’ve grown up in a world of constant connectivity and are accustomed to getting what they want when they want it. So, if you’re trying to sell them something, your best option is to be authentic and transparent about your school and your programs. If you aren’t, they can tell!

Gen Z knows the difference between ads and real life because they live online (where ads are rampant). Furthermore, Gen Z has grown up with smartphones that brought brands into their pockets and homes via smart TVs. This makes traditional marketing feel all too fake to Gen Z compared to how people interact with brands on social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat. So, if you want to sell to Gen Z, be honest, not fabricated.

Tip #2: Be Direct

Gen Z has access to so much information and is constantly looking for ways to make their lives easier. Their smartphone obsession has made them experts at researching and finding solutions quickly, which leads them to expect the same thing from brands they interact with. They don’t want to you tell them information that doesn’t matter. They want their potential colleges to be as direct as possible with their value.

This means that if you want your school’s value to resonate with this generation, you better be direct! No more beating around the bush when explaining what you have to offer; Gen Z will get bored quickly if you try tricks like these! Be straight to the point with your marketing and you’ll see more interest from this demographic.

be available

Tip #3: Be Available

As crazy as it sounds, one sure way to succeed in your marketing is to be available 24/7 as an institution. Gen Zers want your help whenever they need it, so make sure you embrace flexibility in your communication channels. Be available on all channels. This means your school can be reached via email, social media, chatbot, and text message. Most importantly, all channels you create to be available for Gen Z must be personal. So, if you’re talking to a chatbot, you should feel like you’re speaking to a real person, not a machine.

Tip #4: Be Immersive

You’ve probably already heard about the importance of immersion. It’s one of those buzzwords marketers love to throw around, even though explaining precisely what it means can be challenging. But what does “immersive” marketing look like for a college or university?

Here’s how you can create immersive marketing for your school:

  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to upload videos that users can watch on their own. With this kind of content, potential students can sit back and enjoy your content without having to search for it online or in an app store.
  • Mobile apps provide further immersion into a world where your school’s brand exists. Mobile applications create immersion for them because they can step into your brand presence when they go to your page and browse your posts.
  • Immersion can also be related to technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). AR and VR can be leveraged to give students an experience. Let them walk campus virtually. That way, they can feel what it would be like to be there as a student themselves.


Tip #5: Be Culturally Relevant

Gen Z is a global generation that seeks to be inclusive. As a school, you should find ways to market your institution in a culturally relevant way that will appeal to them and show them that your college embraces people from all walks of life, and all demographics.

To succeed, you need to:

  • First, research trends and identify which ones are Gen Z specific and trending.
  • Next, determine what makes your school unique and relevant within the context of those trends.
  • Finally, understand every demographic and make your marketing inclusive to these populations.

Organizations and Brands Can Reach Gen Z If They Use These Tips

This generation wants brands to reflect who they are. They’re looking for authentic interactions and immersive experiences that are responsive, diverse, inclusive, and culturally relevant. To reach Gen Z consumers, it’s essential to understand how they view the world—and use that knowledge to tailor your school’s marketing strategy accordingly.

When you’re refocusing your marketing efforts, it is always a great idea to seek insight from other marketing experts in the industry. Book a complimentary strategy session today to workshop your marketing ideas, assess your efficiency, and get your firm on track for maximum results.

Published On: December 28th, 2022 / Categories: Higher Education Marketing /