Six Degrees Digital Media Case Study

Client: Academic Professionals of California

Union Digital Presence and Communication
Revamp Transforms Member Engagement

Case Synopsis

The Academic Professionals of California (APC) faced significant challenges with their outdated website and lack of digital presence, which hindered their ability to communicate effectively with current members as well as attract new members. Six Degrees Digital Media revamped APC’s digital presence with a modern website, a comprehensive content strategy, and improved communication tools, resulting in tripled website traffic, increased member engagement, and a stronger online identity.

The Subject

The Academic Professionals of California (APC) represents Unit 4 employees within the California State University system, encompassing all 23 campuses.


APC faced multiple challenges:

  • Outdated Website: Their old website was disjointed, outdated, and not maintained, failing to engage members or attract new ones.
  • Lack of Content Strategy: No regular content plan and no streamlined process for content updates.
  • Minimal Digital Presence: No effective way to communicate with members or promote union activities.


Six Degrees Digital Media provided a comprehensive solution:

Website Redesign and Development:

Created a modern, user-friendly website with over 110 pages, a regularly updated blog, a searchable contract, and intuitive navigation.

Old Website
old APC website
New Website
Content Strategy:

Developed a regular content plan, including blogs and social media posts.

Current Blog
apc blog
Digital Presence Enhancement:

Assisted with promotional materials, social media posts, and video content. Worked closely with the Executive Board, Communications Committee, and Bargaining Committee to ensure cohesive and effective communication strategies.

Social Media Example
APC site
Analytics and Reporting:

Implemented new analytics tracking and reporting to provide relevant, actionable insights and regularly reviewed analytics to optimize strategies.

web analytics on dashboard


The implementation process was structured and collaborative.

Phase 1: Discovery and Planning:

Conducted an in-depth analysis of APC’s existing website and digital presence. Worked closely with APC to understand their goals and challenges.

Phase 2: Design & Development:

Designed and developed a new website with a focus on user experience and engagement. Created a comprehensive content plan to keep the site dynamic and informative.

Designed and developed a new website with a focus on user experience and engagement. Created a comprehensive content plan to keep the site dynamic and informative.
Phase 3: Content Creation:

Produced high-quality, engaging content, including blog posts, social media updates, and videos. Developed promotional materials to support APC’s initiatives.

Phase 4: Launch & Optimization:

Launched the new website and continuously monitored performance. Used analytics to optimize content and strategies for better engagement and results.


The partnership led to significant improvements:

Enhanced Website:
A modern, intuitive website that APC is proud to share, significantly enhancing their digital presence.

Increased Engagement:
Regular blog updates and social media posts led to increased member engagement.

Streamlined Communication:
Improved communication with members, promoting a more engaged and informed membership base.

New Member Attraction:
The new digital presence effectively showcased the union’s value and activities, attracting new members.

Tripled Website Traffic:
The new website design and content strategy led to a threefold increase in website traffic.

APC Map_white dots


edie testimonial
dagoberto testimonial
mario testimonial


The collaboration between APC and Six Degrees Digital Media transformed APC’s digital communication and presence, leading to increased member engagement and a stronger online identity. This case study highlights the value of tailored marketing and communication strategies for unions, showcasing how a personalized approach can drive significant improvements and success.

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