10 Engaging Video Content Ideas for Higher Education on Instagram

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have become powerful tools for higher education institutions to engage with students and showcase their campus culture. Among the various forms of content, videos have emerged as a highly effective medium for capturing attention and conveying messages. In this blog post, we will explore 10 creative video content ideas specifically tailored for Instagram that can help higher education institutions foster meaningful connections with their student audience.

Campus Tour Series:

Create a series of short videos that highlight different aspects of your campus. Showcase the vibrant student life, state-of-the-art facilities, beautiful landscapes, and academic resources. These videos can provide prospective students with a virtual tour experience and evoke a sense of excitement and belonging.

Student Stories and Testimonials:

Feature students from various programs and backgrounds sharing their personal experiences and success stories. Authentic and relatable narratives can inspire prospective students and create a sense of community. These videos can cover topics like academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, and career opportunities.

Faculty Spotlight:

Introduce your esteemed faculty members through short videos that highlight their expertise, research, and teaching methodologies. This not only showcases the institution’s strong academic foundation but also helps students connect with professors even before stepping foot on campus.


Pull back the curtain and offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes activities at your institution. Showcase the preparation for events, the setup for lectures, or the rehearsals for a play. These videos provide an exclusive look at the vibrant atmosphere of your campus and can generate excitement and anticipation among prospective students.

Student Takeovers:

Allow students to take over your institution’s Instagram account for a day or a week. They can share their daily routines, study tips, favorite spots on campus, and other unique aspects of their student life. Student takeovers give prospective students an authentic insider’s perspective and make them feel like part of the community even before they enroll.


Q&A Sessions:

Conduct live Q&A sessions on Instagram with current students, alumni, or admissions representatives. This interactive format allows prospective students to ask questions about programs, campus life, admission procedures, and more. These videos foster engagement and help address common concerns and queries.

Campus Events and Festivals:

Capture the spirit of campus events and festivals through engaging videos. Whether it’s a sports event, cultural festival, or academic conference, highlight the energy, diversity, and camaraderie that these occasions bring. This type of content showcases the vibrant campus culture and creates a sense of belonging.

Student Support and Resources:

Highlight the various support services and resources available to students, such as career counseling, academic advising, mental health services, and student organizations. Create short videos that demonstrate how these resources can enhance the overall student experience and contribute to personal growth and success.

Academic Spotlights:

Showcase specific academic programs or departments through video content. Highlight innovative research projects, internship opportunities, and collaborations with industry partners. These videos can give prospective students a deeper understanding of the academic offerings and potential career paths available.

Alumni Success Stories:

Feature successful alumni who have achieved great heights in their respective fields. Share their journeys, accomplishments, and how their education at your institution played a pivotal role in their success. These videos not only inspire prospective students but also demonstrate the long-term value of the education provided by your institution.

In Conclusion:

Instagram provides a dynamic platform for higher education institutions to engage with students through compelling video content. By implementing these 10 creative ideas, institutions can strengthen their digital marketing strategies, foster meaningful connections with prospective students, and showcase the unique aspects that make their campus stand out.

Authenticity, relatability, and showcasing the vibrant campus culture are key to capturing the attention of students on Instagram. Experiment with different video content ideas and analyze the engagement and feedback from your audience to refine your approach.

Here are potential titles you can use for your video content:

  • “Discover [College Name]: Take a Virtual Tour of Our Campus!”
  • “Student Success Stories: Meet [Student Name] and Their Journey at [College Name]”
  • “Instructor Spotlight: Get to Know Professor [Name] from [College Name]”
  • “Behind-the-Scenes at [College Name]: Unveiling Campus Life”
  • “A Day in the Life of a [College Name] Student: Student Takeover!”
  • “Ask Us Anything! Live Q&A Session with [College Name] Admissions Team”
  • “Join the Fun: Highlights from [College Name]’s Annual [Event/Festival]”
  • “Supporting Your Success: Explore Student Resources at [College Name]”
  • “Unleashing Innovation: Discover [College Name]’s Cutting-Edge Programs”
  • “From Campus to Career: Alumni Stories of Success from [College Name]”

Remember, these titles should be customized to reflect the unique aspects and offerings of your college. Engaging and descriptive titles will entice students to watch the videos and learn more about what the institution has to offer.

Tailor these content ideas to your institution’s unique strengths, values, and target audience. With a strategic and creative approach, you can leverage Instagram videos to create an immersive and captivating digital experience that resonates with prospective students and strengthens your institution’s brand.

If you need help with your video campaign, schedule a strategy session with us today.

Published On: March 8th, 2023 / Categories: Higher Education Marketing /