How to Make the Biggest Impact with a Small Marketing Department

Is your business being out-performed and outspent by the industry’s big boys? You’ve got a small, but mighty marketing team chomping at the bit to grow a significant presence for your firm but you’re just not sure how to create the biggest impact with only a few key players.

We get it. 

Newsflash… it’s not the size of the department that creates an impact among your target audience, it’s the motion in the ocean. Even the smallest team can make waves with an engaging brand voice and a strong branding message – and that, my friend, can be accomplished with a bit of research, smart choices, and keeping a pulse on performance.

Success knows no bounds when it comes to claiming a stake in your piece of the digital pie – no matter the size of the team. Carve yourself a huge piece with these five awesome impact drivers to boost your business.

Results Start with Research

Knowing your target audience inside and out is the first step to developing a strong marketing campaign. While it doesn’t take a marketing team of 100 to accomplish, it sure does take some time. Give your marketing employees enough space to conduct thorough research into the target audience psychographics and demographics or firmographics (depending on whether you sell directly to consumers or are more of a business-to-business kind of firm) and create a customer avatar to shape marketing decisions.

Develop your mission, vision, and values to empower your message and brand voice. Your team can take care of maintaining consistency across all content platforms as the marketing campaigns take flight.

Imagine Barney’s Burgers spending all their small business advertising budget on a whim, without a plan, and never truly understanding their meat-loving audience as they seem to only reach vegans with an ax to grind. Lack of adequate research depletes capital stores. Period.

Automate Your Assets

Visualize work getting done, but without overwhelming your team. (Sounds nice, huh?) Systems, applications, and software have been developed by gurus to help those with limited budgets and narrow workforces see similar results to those with a vast number of devoted marketers on hand.

With a simple workflow set up, your website can capture lead information – and right on cue, automated systems send a follow-up email, receipt for the purchase, and place them on a tracking spreadsheet to keep an eye on their position in the buyer’s journey.

Automation applications even connect inter-company departments by sharing information without the need for forgettable water-cooler conversation. Activewear brand, Adidas, automated their business project management to save beaucoup time and resources to achieve their goals of scaling fast – and leaving their marketing teams to worry about the personalization factor demanded by their clients.

With just a couple of mouse clicks – your team just became super-powered.

Content, Content, and… Did We Mention Content?

Content creation can be a serious time-sucker but it could very well be the key to increased brand awareness that entices potential leads to visit your site, download your guide, or take that step to become a customer through the purchase of your product or service.

Blog articles, podcast episodes, social media posts, YouTube videos… The creative potential to reach your target audience is almost endless but requires additional expertise that your small team may not have the time to handle. Outsourcing could be the ticket to achieving that end goal without tying up your team.

Freelance websites offer the ease of shopping for the perfect contractual partner without the financial overhead and benefit commitment of hiring a full-time employee. Paid by the gig, freelance players could create written content, video edits, and even voice the script for your newest product launch video. Play your cards right and you can even find an affordable expert to amp up your website or develop your Google ad strategy your team could implement in-house and track.

If you’re an outsourcing newbie, do your research because not all freelancers are created equal – and just because a creator is cheap, doesn’t mean they’re talentless.  Make your budget go further with freelancers and your small marketing team can take care of vital execution.

Pulse and Pivot with Marketing Metrics

It’s critical to keep one finger on the pulse of how your marketing ventures are going, where they need to be amped up, and if the need arises…identify when it’s time to pivot or abandon a campaign. Human interaction paired with the critical logic of your small team provides insight based on capture metrics.

Those automated processes can be low-coded to capture pay-per-click metrics, abandoned cart data, and visitor statistics for a full understanding of campaign success. Your small team could provide dynamite oversight and implementation.

Give Your Team a Jump Start

Not so sure your team is equipped to handle all this just yet? You’re not alone. Many small, medium, and even large conglomerates schedule strategy sessions with expert consultants to help see their marketing dreams come to life.

If you’re working with a smaller team, offer them the jump start they need to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and skyrocket revenue for your company with smart, pointed marketing decisions. Don’t leave them hanging. It’s time to pass the baton so they can cross that finish line with both hands in the air.

Published On: August 3rd, 2022 / Categories: Digital Marketing /