21 Royalty Free Music Sites

“Royalty-Free” simply means you don’t pay a fee over and over to use something. It doesn’t mean no-cost, although there are some that fall into this category. 

Keep yourself safe and check the terms of use and licensing for each item you download. Sometimes assets are for a one time project only. Others may be for multiple uses. 

Here are several sites you can check to grab music tracks for your videos, webinar intros, and more.

Royalty-Free Music 

We use a music track with all videos unless they are training tutorials. Music is very strong for branding. We’ll take one track and use it for the same client to help with brand recognition. Unless you are using video only with no voice-over, in those instances, you’ll want to switch it up. Or if the theme of the video requires a different type of music.

These sites may come and go and we make no warranties about any of them. Some have free trials; some have zero cost to use and others have various prices.

Contact us today to get a smoking hot video to go along with your music!

Published On: March 17th, 2021 / Categories: Digital Marketing /