The 6 Words You Need To Know To Get Started With YouTube

YouTube is more popular than ever before.

Smart businesses are realizing the power of YouTube and are setting up their company accounts.

There are more options than ever before for creating and sharing videos.

From vlogs to reveal videos, animations, and more, there is something you can share to help your business stand out on YouTube and to make use of the platforms available to you.

It all begins with learning a bit more about the site and how it works.

First, come some common YouTube terms and their meanings.

Trending refers to a piece of content that has gotten extremely popular in a rather short period of time.

On YouTube, this means a video or a topic that has spiked in views and overall popularity.

If something is trending and you make a video on it, there is a good chance that your video may get more exposure.

This only works if you time it right.

If you wait until the trending topic becomes over-saturated with posts, you are less likely to find yours getting much attention.

Sometimes a video will “go viral,” which means that it gets a huge spike in shares and views.

Frequently, there is no apparent reason.

Nearly anyone who posts a video to YouTube wants it to go viral.

Since there is often no tangible reason why some videos go viral when others do not, each post is a bit of a gamble.

Creative Commons
This term refers to the section of the copyright law that discusses what is allowed to be used in a public video.

You can use music or images that have creative commons licenses in your videos.

If it is not a creative commons item or something you created yourself, you may face legal issues if you use it in your videos.

As a business owner, ensure that you are not held liable for copyright violations.

Keywords determine how your videos are categorized and found in searches.

Choosing the right ones is important since it is tied directly to having your videos seen by others.

Keywords should be relevant and specific.

Vlog is short for “video blog,” which is exactly what it says: a blog done through a video instead of type.

Vlogs are a popular style of YouTube videos and can actually work for business purposes quite well.

You might vlog about your employees, offer a glimpse behind the scenes at the store, and highlight products of interest to followers.

The caption is a snippet of text that appears over a video.

It labels a scene, provides typed narration, or translates dialogue.

This is an important way to make your videos more accessible and also to show what is happening in the video if it might not be clear to viewers.

This is the process of changing data from one format to another.

It is commonly needed when dealing with videos so that they may be viewed properly by a wider audience.

In video only, it refers to changing a video file into one using another codec such as Divx to MPEG or MPEG2 to Xvid.

For more help with video and social media planning, contact the friendly professionals at Six Degrees Digital Media today.

Published On: April 3rd, 2015 / Categories: Video /