“If you build it, they will come,” is a famous line from Field of Dreams.
This same concept does not translate well to your tutoring center.
If you build it, they may come – or not.
This is where effective advertising steps in.
One of the most effective online marketing tools are tutoring reviews
A word-of-mouth advertising in the digital age, it is crucial to have this support online.
Getting it does not have to be complicated.
Know the Venues
Yelp offers an opportunity for consumers to speak out about their favorite places.
There are restaurant reviews, shopping destinations, spas, and tutoring centers that have impressed locals so much that they have penned reviews.
Get Consumers to Review
But how can you turn your students’ parents into active reviewers?
Bribery is a time-honored tradition that can backfire on you.
Not too long ago, a radio talk show host entertained Southern California listeners with his experiences at a restaurant where a waiter agreed to comp the dessert if the guest would write a review – right there and then – and let the waiter proofread it before posting.
Obviously, this is not the way to do it.
A much more subtle approach is the table-top sign in the center’s lobby that urges parents to visit Yelp and help other parents in search of a tutoring center know where to find you.
Reminding parents to do so via a monthly bill is another good solution.
If you send out monthly newsletters – online or on paper – include a little note about leaving reviews.
Dealing with the Negative Review
No matter how hard to work to provide stellar customer service, there comes a time when one ore more tutoring reviews are not all that flattering.
What do you do?
Reacting immediately is probably not a good idea.
Rather, wait a bit and think through the review.
Is the consumer correct?
Are there some processes that need to be corrected?
Responding to this type of negative review after a few days with a positive message that thanks the consumers for pointing out flaws is a good move.
Point out the changes that you made in your response.
If you have not kept close watch on digital reviews and consumer feedback, it may be time for some damage control.
Six Degrees Digital Media offers assistance with enhancing your social media presence, making digital marketing work for you, and interacting effectively with the consumer.
Contact us today to get started on a digital marketing campaign designed with you and your business in mind.