
Make a list of potential referral partners. Think of people who either sell to the same people. They may have complementary services or something completely different.

  • Follow them on social media and engage with their posts. This can get your name in front of them.
  • Share their posts on your network. Everyone likes to feel the love.
  • Visit their website. If they have a blog, add thoughtful comments.
  • Share their blog posts on your social media and tag them if you can.
  • Attend their events and introduce yourself.
  • Ask if they would like to co-host an event.
  • Offer to send an email out to your list promoting something they have.
  • But something they sell and use it as a giveaway to get more exposure for them.
  • Give referrals to them first.
  • Ask them for referrals after you’ve given what you can and supported them.

See how many things you can do on this list. Try to find at least five partners you can support that would also support you. You may not hit it out of the park with the first list so rinse and repeat.

If you need help with your marketing campaigns, contact Six Degrees Digital Media today.

Published On: August 11th, 2021 / Categories: Digital Marketing /