10 Terms You Need to Understand Before Advertising title


Whether you are doing your own advertising or hiring an agency, you’re going to come across terms you need to understand. Here’s the “short-list”:

Lifetime value of a client/customer – average they spend during their tenure of being a client.

Client retention period – Average length of time clients stay with you.

Close ratio – what percentage of leads do you close.

Conversion ratio – what percentage of your website traffic converts into leads

Click through rate – The percentage of clicks on your ads versus the number of impressions.

Cost per click – The price you pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Cost per lead – The total adspend divided by the number of leads.

Cost per acquisition – The total adspend divided by the number of clients.

Channel Lead attribution – source lead came from (or came to your website from what referral source).

Net Value (Profit after all expenses – whether adspend, affiliate fees, operating expenses, and more.

If you need help with your advertising, we’re just a “click” away.

Published On: December 23rd, 2020 / Categories: Digital Marketing /