7 Video Marketing Terms You Need to Know About


If you’re just getting started with video marketing, here are some terms you want to be sure you understand.

  1. Key Performance Indicator / KPI
    Your KPI is the most important statistic that you are tracking. An example of a good KPI is to track how many new subscribers you get with each video.
  2. Call to Action
    The Call to Action, or CTA, is where you ask the viewer to do something for you. Using clear and concise CTAs are the best way to improve your KPI.
  3. YouTube End Screen
    End screens are call-to-action options in YouTube. You can link to an approved website, promote a video or playlist, promote subscriptions to your channel, promote another channel.
  4. Reach
    The reach is the total number of people who are given the choice to watch your video on a social media platform. Facebook Video shows you this statistic, while YouTube and others only show you the view count.
  5. Analytics
    Analytics offers various data you can use to track and improve your video marketing campaigns.

  6. Live Streaming
    Live streaming is a live video broadcast directly from a phone or other WiFi-connected camera. Live streams are now very popular across most major social media platforms.

  7. Influencers
    An influencer is anybody with a large fanbase on a social media website. Influencers will promote videos for a fee. It’s up to them which videos they will promote.

If you need help with designing a video marketing campaign for your business, contact Six Degrees Digital Media today.


Published On: July 20th, 2017 / Categories: Video /